Planet Antares Scam - Vending Services Scam Alert By Planet Antares

Thursday, November 05, 2009

Securing Vending Accounts – Tips and Tricks.

Vending business is all about location. If you have a vending location with high traffic, you can make great profits. It is important to devise ways to secure the profitable locations.

Step 1 – Zero in the location type you are looking for.
Based on your business plan, you should zero in to the type of location you want to serve. Profitability and product preference among targeted customers plays an important role in finalizing the location type.

Step 2 – Short listing locations.
One of the tedious tasks is to short list locations for further negotiations. This could be one of the most time consuming tasks. Various methods that you can adopt to short list locations are:-

a. Search locations and send mailers to location owners asking if they would be interested in having a vending account. If you get a favorable reply back, then you can proceed with further discussions.

b. Call various location owners to find out if they would be interested in having a vending account.

c. Visit personally various locations that you think would be beneficial. This could be a lot time consuming.

d. Take services of a professional vending locator. They charge certain amount for finding a location for you. They can also assist in paperwork.

Step 3 – Negotiating the deal with location owner.
Once you have short listed locations for vending business, you can start negotiating with the owners or authorized personnel. First of all you should try to promote vending service as an addition to facilities provided for people at the location. If things don’t work out, then you can pay up certain amount of commission for vending machine placement. You may need to frame up a contract based on agreed terms and conditions. For that either you can procure a standard vending contract or you can consult a lawyer.

Once you have a location with you, all you need to do is to place a vending machine and stock it with desired products.

For brand new vending machines contact Planet Antares. Also if you want to seek advice and guidance on how to set up a vending business, contact support staff of Planet Antares

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